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Ugh 🙄 Write this privately 😑
What does Reeko look like? Is he hot?
You and Reeko are so cute I can't 🥹🥹
Do you know the feeling you are bored but you have to do something
How did you sleep 😏😂
Oh thats bad but than at night can we sleep together ?
I sleeped longer too😆
Its too early come lets sleep again or just cuddle in bed😉
Benny is my dog~c
Daddy I live like 1 hour away from Hannover♥️~C
Benny is Sooo cute I can't😭♥️
Btw. Where are you going
Wait what, anyways I'll make a channel tomorrow, I was out with benny btw~C
Daddy, Charlotte hits me with her pillow the whole time and why do you have to pack your things?~C
Daddy, do you love me?~C
Unicorn I can send Ye-Jun the Pic of you. I saved it cause you are beautiful as hell ~🦤
Daddy, my stomach hurts and my heart is beating to fast ~C
Kenne ich meine Oma mag es auch nicht😅🥲 ~🦄
😭😭😭 ich wollt halt das du es auch siehst aber du hast es nicht gesehen🥲
Guys irl my Brother IS 90 years old 🤭😈He IS a grandpaaa
I wanna cry so imma go cry ~C
Sry Ye-jun😭
I dunnooo
My heart hurts and it's so warmmmmm
I just almost died of laughing daddy
Daddy, don't leave me alone😭
She was like: I wanna die, okay maybe I don't wanna die
Idk how I can be besties with her, yeah okay it's easy, I'm gay and she always wanted a boy bsf so yeah
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