Another suggestion when someone send message, can they have the image upload from gallery option, beside taking image directly from camera, it's like the same option you have when someone sends an DM they can upload an image from gallery.
Sending a "snap" on your wall is a core feature of txtmee that guarantees the images sent are taken with the camera , not from the gallery , for sending images from gallery dms is an option
Another thing i have just noticed that the box which says "enter your Question or Message" below profile photo, the character limit is now only 50 characters, previously I could enter a long question or message in that box.
unfortunately character length decision has been made regarding the design limitations
Regarding the interface the only thing which is harder is to find specific message, in old interface the messages were listed in plain text and you can see them without clicking individual icons, that was easy because it was same like browsing the wall.
You now have previews on your wall !!
Thank you for quick support and fixing the issues, now the old messages are back and number of times the link is visited can be seen.
you are welcome !!
There is issue with this new theme. First is that old messages are missing only few of new are showing, and second is that the option to see numbers of times link was visited is also missing, and third is that the old interface was much easy to use.
Thank you sooo much for the feedback !!! Now old messages load too , number of links are also back , can you tell us why the old interface much easier to use ? Specifically ? Thank you !